Saturday, September 19, 2015

Check Out My Crib

He's almost 6 months old but we finally got Jacob's crib put together this weekend! His night sleep has gotten a bit more consistent so I decided that now is the time to transition to his room and OUT of ours! It worked out perfectly because his big brother is gone with the grandparents the weekend so he had the room to himself. Brad is a pretty heavy sleeper so I'm hoping that he won't be disturbed by night feedings.

He seems to love the crib so far!! I put a quilted mattress cover under the sheet and it made it really soft for him. The robot sheet and robot blanket are so cute in the room!

Here is the mobile I made a while back and have been waiting to hang it until we got the crib put in. He loves to stare at it and reach for it with his hands.

These are some of the decorations on the wall over his crib. I will take pics of the whole room after I get it cleaned up a bit more!

His first night in the crib he woke up at 0000 and 0400, then got up at 0800 for the day. I'm hoping that SOON he quits waking every 4 hours. However his longer sleeps are getting more frequent. We are transitioning over to formula so maybe that will help him stay full longer too.


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