Saturday, August 1, 2015

Welcome to the 21st Century

I have an announcement to make: I no longer have a TracFone! I have had one for almost 10 years because I refuse to pay the outrageous amounts that cell phone carriers charge. I have mainly used it for some texting or a quick check-in to home when I'm out and about. When I'm on call for work of course I also need a way for them to get in touch with me. Nick has never had a cell phone so there was no reason for us to constantly be in contact. So what changed?

I have always said that when Nick starts working out of the house that we would both have phones to keep in contact. Well he starts tomorrow! Coincidentally I came across a super cheap frugal provider that I had some how never heard of named Republic Wireless. I started looking into them and was very impressed with their plans and cost. I jumped head first into it this week and ordered my phone! (Nick will inherit my Tracfone for now)

Naturally I did not want to pay full price ($149) for a new one so I got one in excellent used condition on Ebay for $85. I chose the Moto G. It did not come with a manual however so I've been learning as I go with my first smart phone!

I have quickly discovered the usefulness of apps! There is literally an app for everything (even a "Disease Dictionary" that I downloaded for work). I have a small collection of educational games for Bradley. I can even get my Netflix and Hulu on it! I learned how to put them into folders because I am all about the organization.

Yes I put a wallpaper of fall leaves because I am more than ready for fall....

In a nutshell, Republic has super cheap rates because they mainly use VoIP (voice over internet protocol) for talk and text. The only caveat is that you do have to get a phone that specifically says it can be used with them. The phones are all Motorola (E, G, and X) with Android and are otherwise a regular smart phone. The plans are no-contract and you can actually upgrade/downgrade your plan up to 2x per month. After I've used them for a couple more weeks I am going to post a review of their service! Check back for that!


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