Friday, June 12, 2015

2 Months Old

Somebody is 2 months old today! He is changing and growing by the day. He had a checkup today and got three shots but took it like a champ. Big brother came with us and helped hold his hand.

Weight: 14lb 3oz
Length: 24in 

At 2 months old you:
  • have slept a couple of 7hr stretches at night, but your usual is 3-4hrs
  • are an early riser and are ready to get up around 7am
  • go to bed between 8-9pm
  • take a few 30min-1hr naps during the day
  • love going on walks in your stroller
  • are wearing cloth diapers full time!
  • have outgrown some 0-3mo clothes
  • love bath time
  • get fussy and rub your eyes when tired
  • nurse every 2-3hr during the day

There is a feature on my camera that plays a funny clown on the front for kids to look at when taking a picture, and it made Jacob LOL!

Brad loves being a big brother and helping me out. He can't wait to be able to play with him and carry him around. Here is their 2 month comparison:

This week has been a huge adjustment for us...daddy went out of town on Monday evening to work with his dad for a few weeks. He is working in the heat and we miss him greatly! He has been home as a stay-at-home-dad for so many years that it is VERY different having him so far away from us. We are driving down to see him tomorrow and can't wait!

Yesterday was my 29th birthday and my mother cooked a delicious dinner and cake for me. I am getting together with my dad and brothers on different days when they are off work. Speaking of work, I go back in 3 1/2 weeks.....BOO!

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