Monday, April 20, 2015

8 Days of Being a Family of 4

We are home and adjusting well to our new life! The doctor kept us at the hospital an extra night and day to watch Jacob's blood sugars. They had me supplement some formula after nursing until my milk came in.

Brad was very excited for us to come home Tuesday evening and he pushed the cart for us with our things to the car.

 Very first car ride!

 Holding his baby brother for the first time

So far things are going well. Nick has been a huge help with the baby, Brad, and the house. He cooks meals, cleans, goes grocery shopping, and takes Brad to/from school. I get about 5-6hr of sleep in intervals during the night and I get by pretty good thru the day. For the most part Jacob sleeps well and has a huge appetite that can be hard to keep up with.

We took him to the pediatrician today for his 1 week checkup and they were very happy with everything. He doesn't have to come back until he is 2 months old. His current weight/height is:

9lb 7oz
22 in


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