Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Homemade Freezer Garlic Bread

As most of you know I have been cranking out the freezer meals lately in preparation for baby #2 to get here (in 3 weeks!). A lot of them are Italian-themed because that is what I love :) And what goes better with a hot lasagna out of the oven than garlic bread? Yum! I found this recipe here and knew it was perfect for me.

I went to my local grocery and got 3 huge loaves of marked down French bread for 60 cents each.

 I changed it up a little and used margarine instead of butter (all of my butter was frozen). I also used garlic powder (around 2tsp) instead of fresh, and I added basil (about 1tbs).


 I started slicing up the bread and coating each slice with a good layer of garlic butter. Then I layered them on a pan to freeze individually...

I just happened to be cooking spaghetti dinner while I was doing all of this, so I threw three of them in the oven to go with it. Yes they tasted so delicious! I personally thought they were better than premade frozen ones from the store.

 I left them in the freezer for a good 15-20 minutes before I took them out and stacked them nicely into a labeled freezer bag. From there they went into the deep freezer and are ready to go!

I only had time to do 2 of the 3 loaves but I got two stuffed gallon freezer bags out of it (minus the three slices we ate). All for less than $2!


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