Tuesday, March 10, 2015

DIY Maternity Pics!

Today I am 35 weeks along (!) and we finally took some maternity pics! Last time I was pregnant I had a friend come over and use my camera, then I edited the photos myself. I was very happy with the results so I knew I wanted to do that again! Professional maternity pictures would of course be wonderful to have, but this single-income family does not have disposable money for that right now! Mine cost $0 (unless I get a few prints made) and you can't beat that!

95% of the poses here are ones I {attempted} to imitate from photography online. There is an endless variety of ideas to choose from but I went with simple yet classic and flattering. I don't really understand the reasoning behind the whole "boudoir" maternity shoots so needless to say I did not do any of those...

I just have a basic Samsung point-and-shoot camera, and for all photo editing I used PicMonkey (which I love!) because it is FREE and very easy to use. Hopefully these will inspire you if you are in a similar situation to take the plunge and go the frugal route with your maternity pictures.


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