Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Last Post of 2014!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We had a great one and got to spend it with family. Here is our family pic for the year!

Brad got a lot of great presents and enjoyed playing with his new toys all morning.

I was inspired shortly after Christmas to go ahead and get the boys' room rearranged to accommodate a new resident! I made one side Brad's and one side Jacob's, with their dressers coming out from the wall to divide the room for privacy. I also took down the rest of Brad's old safari theme decorations and put up all of his new robot pictures!

We finally got a dresser for Jacob to also be used as a changing table. I had been looking for a decent used one online but they were always in bad shape, the wrong size, or too pricey. On our pre-Christmas roadtrip to Ikea I found the perfect one! Nick was able to put it together lickety-split with no trouble and it looks great!!


 So far Brad loves his new "big boy" room and is super excited about sharing it with Jacob. I still have to get rid of a couple things and find a crib, but for the most part the room is ready.

As far as Jacob is going, he is getting bigger each day! His movement and kicks are strong enough to see and feel from outside and maneuvering around is getting a little tricky sometimes. I am now 6 months along and will be doing a test at my checkup next week to check for gestational diabetes. According to my scale I have only gained 11lb so far (!!!!) and should expect to gain about a pound per week from now on. Only 15 more weeks to go until I get to hold this little baby!!


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