Thursday, November 27, 2014

5 Months and HALFWAY Along!

On Tuesday I hit the 20 week mark! Only 20 more weeks to go until I can hold this new little baby in my arms and kiss his furry head :) Hopefully he won't make me wait a few extra days like his big brother did.

2 weeks ago (the same day as the gender reveal party) we had our Level II ultrasound, so here are some pics from that day.....

I can definitely tell my belly is getting bigger and more people are noticing the "bump" now. Thank God for maternity clothes! They are so comfy. I still haven't broken down and gotten maternity jeans...I've been squeaking by with stretchy pants and my homemade belly band for my old jeans. I'm sure I'll cave soon with the cold weather coming in.

Here are some belly pics for you guys!

I am proud to say that I have only gained 6lb of pregnancy weight so far! I am ignoring the fact that I had gained 4lb of IVF-medication weight the week before.....Ha! According the internets, I should expect to gain about a pound per week from now until delivery. Doesn't that sound fun??

As for pregnancy related symptoms, I have none! I feel great and seem to finally be sleeping better. My sinuses have gone haywire but I think part of that is my usual autumn allergies. I remember having exaggerated allergies with my last one too. I feel a bit overwhelmed with already being halfway and with the stress of the holidays upon me. There is a lot of prep work I want to have done soon but I can't really do anything with Thanksgiving and Christmas taking up my time and energy. I think in January when things calm down I am going to jump in with both feet so that I have nothing that needs to be done when the baby comes.

I hope everyone is having a fabulous Thanksgiving with your family! I am cooking a few dishes and we are all going to my mom's tonight for her dinner at 5pm, then I am cooking a big dinner of my own tomorrow for us and my dad is going to join us for that. This weekend will be full of taking down the turkey stuff and putting up the Christmas stuff!


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