Monday, July 28, 2014

The Phone Call

I got the phone call today from my RE. No embryos made it to the freezing stage. Again.

I had somehow forgotten they were going to call me today. I was grabbing my purse and heading out the door with Brad for a day full of grocery shopping and errands. When the phone rang and I saw who it was my first thought was "they can't know if I'm pregnant or not--I haven't had blood drawn yet!" Of course silly--they were calling to crush my hopes once more!

Here is my post from the first time in 2008 when I got the same phone call. I feel exactly the same this time as I did that day 6 years ago. I know I'm blessed to have one healthy baby, but I don't think it's too much to ask for a second one to love.

The way I feel right now is this--if this time doesn't work then I want us to move next year and get a fresh start. For real. Sorry mom.



  1. I'm so sorry to hear this, but I'm remaining hopeful for you that both of your transferred embabies stick!!

    1. thanks girly! it's hard to stay positive these days. got a bfn today.....


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