Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Funnest Way to Get Vitamin D

I am happy to report that our pool is done, filled, and ready to swim in! Our pool guys came out Wednesday and put the brand new liner in. He had us fill it partially that night, then he came back the next day to check on it and finish up a few things. We ran the hose the rest of that day and evening and it was full before bedtime!

It looks amazing and we are VERY happy with the design that we picked out. I was pleasantly surprised that the temperature is already comfortable enough to get in without the COLD shock. I thought since it was hose water that it would be freezing, but our weather found the perfect time to reach the 100s! To finish off the "new" pool, we also ordered a new tablet floater, skimmer lid, and thermometer that should arrive in the mail next week.

You can tell everyone is very happy to beat the heat in the pool. We threw some chlorine in it last night and ran the pump to keep the water looking tip top. In a few days we are supposed to get a cold front (high in the 70s) and lots of rain so we will try to enjoy it a bunch before then!

PS I plan on doing another post later today about my IVF meds and how that is going! Check back later.


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