Saturday, July 5, 2014

Independence Day 2014

I hope everyone had a great July 4! We made our annual pilgrimage to my dad's house in Tuttle with more family than ever before. There was a total of 8 kids and 9 adults with tons of food and even more fireworks. My dad manned the grill while I was the sous chef and everything turned out perfectly. The kids had a great time running in the huge yard and when it finally got dark we lit the night sky up for hours!

We didn't pack up and head home until around midnight and after a quick shower we all passed out and slept in. I was actually on call for work from 7am yesterday until 7am this morning so I had my pager and cell phone in my pocket but never got called in! I wouldn't have minded the holiday pay--maybe next year.

While we were there, I harvested a few pounds of fresh organic plums from my dad's fruit tree. Time to make something with them! One day I'll have my own fruit trees to harvest from....


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