Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bradley Turned 5

On June 26, 2009 this was our new family of THREE!

It just blows my mind how much he has grown--physically and mentally--in 5 years. He has his own personality, his own jokes, an excellent memory, and a huge brain! He didn't want to be very serious for picture time!

I am now doing his growth pics only once a you won't see another one until he turns 6! Here are the updates on his development so far:

Height: 44"
Weight: 39lb

At 5 years old you.....

  • are very silly, independent, and can be stubborn
  • are usually polite and say please, thank you, you're welcome, yes ma'am/yes sir, excuse me
  • love to eat and only have a couple of things you don't like
  • LOVE school and reading
  • read sooooo good! Even 3-4 syllable words. It's amazing.
  • can write very well and even know how to spell many words on your own
  • love riding your bike and always wear a helmet
  • just finished your first swimming lessons!
  • went to your first VBS and loved it
  • wear size 4T clothes and size 9 shoe
  • go to bed around 8:30pm and get up around 7:30am to watch cartoons
  • usually take a nap from around 4p-6p
  • love staying the night with grandparents
  • will start full-day Kindergarten in August

Tomorrow is his last day in swimming lessons and he seems to have learned several things! The first few days he was more concerned with playing than learning but he is doing much better now and participating in all of the activities. He still refuses to go underwater but we'll work on that later! Here he is with his class and teachers getting help on the diving board....

Today for his special day Nick took him to an arcade after lunch and they played all kinds of games. For his treat I made a cookie cake which turned out DELICIOUS. I will post the recipe for that later! Saturday is his big party so check back after that for party pics!


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