Friday, April 11, 2014

Moving Right Along!

With TTC that is! This morning I went in for my baseline US and blood work. I also spoke with my doctor's IVF coordinator and got my booklet of info and consent forms to sign. I'm pretty excited about it and curious how much has changed since our first time 6 years ago. I am keeping my hope levels in neutral as long as I can while being realistic and optimistic at the same time.

I feel like this time around I will have a little less anxiety since I will already know how it works, what to expect, how I'm going to feel (emotionally and physically), and the fact that I have one successful cycle under my belt. Unfortunately I also know that each cycle is different and it may not work for us this time. We may not have any embryos to freeze again, and we may come home with empty arms and an empty bank account.

We take these risks because we have faith in God's plan for our family, and we feel like this is where He has led us at this point in time.

My next appointment will be next month for another consultation with my doctor, then I will start meds in June!!! Please keep us in your prayers.


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