Sunday, February 16, 2014

My Preschooler

This post is all about my big boy and how much fun he has at school! He just loves school, and I love watching him learn something new everyday and interact with other kids. It has really helped him learn structure, communication, interpersonal relationships, and not to mention academics! He is already reading simple words and knows how to sound out many other. I know when he starts kindergarten and gets serious about reading he will pick it up in no time. I was a huge reader when I was younger and caught on very quickly. I would check out tons of books at our library, then stay up all night reading them by nightlight!

We got his class picture in his school folder last week and it is adorable! He is seated on the front row with a HUGE smile on his face.

Last Friday was his school Valentine's Day party and I was one of the helpers. Nick and I showed up early with cupcakes and pretzels, and helped the other moms get each setting ready for the little ones to come back from recess. Brad had fun filling out his cards before school.....

The kids got lots of yummy snacks at the party, and of course there was a lot of chocolate involved too!


I can't believe his first year of school will be over in just a few short months, then before we know it he will be starting full-day kindergarten! I know he will love it and learn so much. My, how the time flies!


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