Saturday, January 18, 2014

11 Years and Counting

Nick and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary yesterday! We kept it low key and stayed in a suite at a Marriott in Edmond (about a 45min drive from where we live). It had a whirlpool tub and a hot breakfast--that's all we cared about! Our little one stayed with my mom overnight and I'm sure he had a blast getting spoiled by the grandparents.

After getting settled in and cleaning up, we ventured out into the town for some yummy dinner. On the way back to the room we stopped at a local market for some desserts to snack on later.

We may or may not have brought some adult beverages to put in the fridge for after dinner.......


It was a very nice suite and we slept like rocks. In the morning there was a delicious variety of foods for breakfast and we took our time before packing up and checking out. It's always a little sad when you take that last look back at the room before shutting the door and heading home! Our next hotel room will be in Dublin, Ireland in about 3 months :D

Yesterday was also 50s day at Brad's Preschool so we dressed him up for the part and he loved it! Too bad our '57 Chevy isn't running right now or else daddy could have made a show of taking him to school!


Tonight Brad is going to a school function to play with other kids at a gymnastics center for 4 hours so we will get to enjoy some more adult time! Tomorrow my mumsy and I and taking a roadtrip to Tulsa to see Tony Bennett in concert so check back soon for more pictures!

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