Thursday, December 26, 2013

4 1/2 Years Old


It's that time again! My little one is 4 1/2 years old and has grown by leaps and bounds in the last 6 months. This will be his last 6 month post! I will do once a year updates starting with age 5.

Weight: 35 lb
Height: 41 1/2"

At 4 1/2 years old you:
  • go to bed around 8:30p and get up around 8am
  • come downstairs on your own each morning to sit and watch cartoons until mommy and daddy get up
  • take a nap each day from around 4-6
  • are a great eater and know that you only get treats if you finish your veggies
  • LOVE being in school (half day preK)
  • can count to 50, and count to 100 by tens
  • know the sounds each letter makes
  • can write your name and every letter/number and several shapes
  • are DONE with pullups (but we try to get you up to pee once more late at night)
  • know your days of the week
  • still fit size 3T and 4T clothes
  • wear a size 9 shoe
  • got a bike with training wheels for Christmas and were a pro the same day!
  • have good manners and are *usually* polite
Since he started school this year I have started an album for his "School Years" to keep track of how he changes and grows. I will put each year's school picture in it with a paper that he answers questions about his favorite things at that time (book, cartoon, food, etc.).


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