Friday, October 25, 2013

Norman Fall Fest

I have to work on Halloween this year so I have been coming up with other festive things I can do with Brad to make up for missing it with him (yes his daddy is going to take him instead). There are all kinds of neat things around the area to do! There are several pumpkin patches, family farms, corn mazes, and festivals that don't cost much. I got a flyer recently that said tonight would be my town's first annual Fall Fest on the old Main St. with free trick-or-treating and games for the kids.

After Brad got up from his nap and we ate dinner, we heading that way! The had the street closed for several blocks and it was a challenge to find parking....but I came thru! He grabbed his bucket and we started walking up and down to check out all of the fun.

He wanted to be a skunk again--I made this costume for him last year, and he begged to wear it again this year!

 ..........this is him (3 years old) wearing it last year!

They had all kinds of neat stuff out, and most of the businesses were handing out candy. It was supposed to be from 6p-9p but by 7 a lot of them were already out of candy! There were free inflatable rides, a firetruck, music, and games.

 He had a ton of fun and happy to dig into his candy on the way home. Tomorrow I'm going to try to take him to a pumpkin patch for more good times!

I have some more updates on the kitchen, plus things I've been crafting but I will save those for another blog! Check back soon!

PS. I just started a Twitter account to try and wean off of Facebook....feel free to look me up! @kandydpierce


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