Monday, September 9, 2013

County Fair 2013

Last Saturday we took a family trip to our county fair! It rolls around only once this time of year for 3 days and we are always so excited to go enjoy it. We headed out in the late morning and started off with some rides. Brad is big enough this year that he got to ride 2 rides all by himself! He was very happy.

The city had a firetruck and an ambulance there for the kids to look thru and Brad had a blast climbing all over them. The firefighter was nice enough to take a family pic of us in front of the fire engine!

 After that we grabbed some nachos for lunch and cooled off in the shade. Then we checked out the car show and the petting zoo. Brad loved running from animal to animal petting their head and watching them.


It was about 100 degrees that day so by this time we were pretty hot and worn out! We ended with one last ride and gave our few remaining tickets to some lucky kid. We headed home and cooled off! Everyone had a fun time and we can't wait till next year. You can't beat free parking, free admission, and cheap fun!


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