Friday, February 22, 2013

Big Things To Me

A couple of things that are priority in my life are being a momma and cooking! Today I would like to share something on both of those.

Last night I got home from work after my little one had gone to bed, and this morning I left for work in the morning before anyone was awake (sad, right?) So Nick was in charge of the bedtime routine with little man, and he informed me that he did not put on his nighttime diaper--he left him in his undies. We have been trying this out on nap time with success, but not bed time yet. This morning when I finally got to talk to Nick he told me that Brad woke up dry and went potty first thing! Yay! I am so proud of my little guy.

I was wondering if he was comfortable with peeing in a diaper so that's what started us trying out the undies. He has been perfectly potty-trained for almost a year now but still wet every morning (in a diaper). We are trying it again tonight. I had read that some boys' bladders aren't mature enough for staying dry at night until 5-6 years old, so I wasn't in any hurry to rush it. I am elated that his potty training has gone so perfect this far and didn't want ruin a good thing.

As for cooking...I tried out a new dish tonight and it turned out superb! A 10 out of 10--will definitely make again. It was a take on crockpot chicken and dumplings. I saw the original recipe on the cooking channel on my Roku and knew I had to try it. I put my chicken out to thaw last night, but the problem was I didn't have any time this morning to put things together in the crock.

I improvised as soon as I got home from work this afternoon and the results were wonderful! I ended up cooking the soup a total of about 2hrs and every drop was eaten. Next time I will try it out in the crock just to make it easier. Here it is: (my stovetop version)

4 thawed chicken tenders (or 2 large breasts)
1 can cream of chicken
small diced onion
2 tbs minced garlic
2c frozen peas/carrots
1c frozen corn
4c chicken broth
1 can 5ct buttermilk biscuits

Saute the garlic and onion in the EVOO in a dutch oven until tender, then dice up the chicken and add. Season with salt/pepper and cook for about 10min stirring around, then add cream of chicken and broth. Stir in veggies and cover with lid. Bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally for 1 1/2-2hr. 15 minutes before serving, quarter biscuits and stir into soup. Cover with lid and reduce heat and serve!


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