Monday, December 31, 2012

My 3 1/2 Year Old

I know it's a bit late, but my little one turned 3 1/2 on December 26 and you know I have to do an update on how he is growing!


Weight: 30lb
Height: 38 1/2"

At 3 1/2 years old you:
  • take about a 2hr nap during the afternoon and sleep at night from 9p-8a
  • are out of the crib and into a toddler bed!
  • only wear diapers when you sleep
  • have a major sweet tooth
  • love playing in the bath
  • wear size 7 shoe
  • can still wear some 2T clothes
  • will eat mostly everything but have days where you won't eat anything
  • can count to 20
  • know most colors and shapes
  • love to watch Spongebob, Thomas the Train, and Garfield
  • like playing with trucks, trains, and helicopters
  • love talking to and playing with other kids
  • have 2 fish and like to carry around the kitties
  • like helping momma cook

I think that sums him up pretty well right now! He is such a smart little guy and I am excited to see how he does next year in preschool!

On a different note, tomorrow starts 2013 and I'm sure it will hold a LOT of big changes. We are hoping for some significant things to happen but we know that it is all in God's plan, not ours! I was on call this last weekend and yesterday I ended up having to work 18 hours straight! It was long but I was with a fun nurse and we made it through. My boss was nice enough to let me off early today and I am off for the holiday tomorrow! Here are my NYE nails....

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