Saturday, November 3, 2012

Belated Halloween Pics

 I know it's a few days late but I am finally posting our Halloween pics! My sis-in-law and our niece Zoe joined us for pizza then we hit the streets for trick or treating. There were tons of kids out and the weather was perfect! Not too cold or hot, just right to keep us comfortable with all of the walking. Brad got so much candy in his bucket that we had to make a pit stop at the house to empty it!

The kids had a great time together and we all had fun dressing up. You might enjoy my alter ego.....

I think I pull it off pretty well, no? Nick wore a Mason Verger mask (from Silence of the Lambs) that he already had--he is weird like that.

 After getting candy we went to my mom's house to say hi for a bit. She had 260 trick or treaters this year!!!!!!!! She ran out of candy and started handing out quarters, HA.

I have recently gotten several orders for the headwarmers so that has been keeping me busy! I just went and bought 6 skeins of this blue to make a bunch of OKC Thunder themed ones for people, and to take to my craft shows next month.

 I love November, the changing of the seasons, the smell of fall, and the holiday time! Our weather hasn't gotten very cold yet--really just chilly at night and still 70s-80s in the day right now. I highly doubt we will be getting much snow this winter but a girl can hope...

On Facebook I am participating in the daily November "Things I am thankful for" so whenever I post a blog I will catch you up!
  1. I am thankful for a loving husband and lasting marriage 
  2. i am thankful that my miracle baby is happy and healthy! 3 1/2 years old and never been sick {knock on wood}
  3. I am thankful to have a stable job doing what I love


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