Saturday, October 27, 2012

Storybook Forest

This was 3 days ago, but better late than never right? Thursday evening me and Brad met some friends in Edmond at Lake Arcadia's Storybook Forest for a fun Halloween time! All the kids were wearing their costumes. It is a non-scary trail with scenes from fairy tales (Three Little Pigs, Hansel and Gretel, etc.) set up and people handing out candy. After the trail we went on a hayride, then roasted wieners and marshmallows and drank hot chocolate before heading home. Nick has had the flu for a week so he did not get out in the cold!

 (The little girl here is my friend's daughter Soniyah and the hat is one that I made!)

 --Lady that lives in a shoe--

 --Little piggie with a brick house--

 --Witch's house from Hansel and Gretel--

 --Peter Rabbit (Brad was scared of him)--

 --Little red riding hood (with the big bad wolf in bed)--

 Temp tattoo of a pumpkin he got on his hand.

We had a great time and he got compliments on his costume! I made the costume out of a hoodie from the thrift store, sweatpants from store, felt ears, fabric stuffed tail, and a white boa! Total cost was around $5 and he is the cutest darn skunk you have ever seen!

We can't wait for Wednesday! We will have friends over and get our annual jack-o-lantern pizza from Papa Murphy's, then all dress up and go trick-or-treating until bedtime!


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