Saturday, September 8, 2012

Our Day at the County Fair

Today was the perfect day to go to the fair! A much needed cool front came in last night and we were able to enjoy ourselves without sweating! That is always a good thing. This is the 3rd year we have gone to the Cleveland County Fair (the same location as my craft shows) and Brad enjoys it more every year.

We got an awesome parking spot and starting off with funnel cake. Then Brad and I rode the carousel. After that we all rode the ferris wheel. From there we headed to the back for a free hayride. There was a car show and a live band playing so we all enjoyed that for awhile. Then we headed to the food court and Nick got a burger with fries, I got a chili cheese dog and Brad got a hotdog. After eating we went in the building to see the farm animals, then Brad and Nick rode the carousel one more time. Right before we left I got a big corndog to share with everyone then we headed home!

When we got home, Nick took the drop rail off of Brad's crib so that we could finally convert it to a toddler bed. I put it off as long as I could but he has climbed out a couple of times and scratched his chest on something so I don't want him getting hurt.

While Nick was doing that, I finished up sewing the custom pillowcase I made for Brad's toddler pillow then we put his new robot bedding on:

Brad loves it! He is supposed to be in there right now taking a nap but was reading a book last time I check on him....wish us luck! Next blog will be a tutorial on what I made the pillowcase out of...


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