Friday, September 28, 2012

Florida Pics!

We have arrived safely home from our family beach vacation. I believed we traveled around 1800 miles total with the drive each way being 13 hours. We of course rented a car (Nissan Sentra) which served us well and we had no unexpected events on the road.

The condo we rented was spectacular and had all the comforts of home. Our view of the ocean was breathtaking and I got to enjoy a cup of coffee each morning on the balcony. We even brought our Roku along so that we (mainly Brad) could have our usual shows with us! We all had a wonderful time and were very impressed with this area of Florida--I am sure we will be returning when possible! This will probably be our last "fun" vacation for awhile since we have big plans for next year.

Here are the pics:
 Pulling out of our driveway at 11:30 pm. Brad is a happy boy!

 Sunrise in Louisiana after 8hrs of driving.

 The 4th tall one from the left is our condo "The Pearl"

The views.....
 Living room looking onto balcony

 Standing in living room looking back toward dining room/kitchen/front door

In master bedroom looking at balcony

On balcony looking down.... of the two pools beneath us.

 On balcony looking left at Pier (we walked out on this later)

We spent a lot of time on the beach each day and all had a great time. Brad was scared of the sand and waves for awhile but he finally warmed up to it and had a blast playing and looking for seashells.

This is the Pier we walked out on--the longest in the Gulf.

 We watched a school of stingrays swim by.

 In this pic Nick had buried Brad in the sand. He liked it so much that he had us snuggle his towel next to him so he could snooze!


1 comment:

  1. Looks like a wonderful vacation to the beach! Those waves can be fun and scary for the little one. Brad is so adorable!


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