Friday, July 6, 2012

Independence Day Celebrations

 I hope all of my friends and family had a wonderful July 4th with their favorite people! Every year we have a tradition of going to my dad's acreage in Tuttle for burgers and fireworks. My brother Eric usually tries to meet us out there. My dad just bought a new grill so we got to break it in for him! The food was great, the shade was nice, and my brother and SIL got there just in time to join us.

We had each gotten our own set of fireworks to blow so when it got dark shortly after 9pm we got the show started! Unfortunately most of the ones that my brother lit malfunctioned in some way and started some scary grass fires in my dad's field! All of the guys snapped into firefighter mode and thankfully got them put out before things got out of control. This happened several times so we were worn out by the end of the night! Finally around midnight we decided to just save the leftovers for next year.

My little one had a fun time watching all of the craziness (even when we had to grab him and hide behind the cars!) and running in the field.

It was really neat watching the full moon rise on the horizon a deep red next to the fireworks!

We all had a fun time with each other and I made dessert for everyone after we got trash cleaned up outside. This is one of our favorite holidays!


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