Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bradley's 3rd Birthday Party!

 As promised, here are the pictures from the big birthday bash today! We had a great time and almost everyone I invited was able to come! There were 5 kiddos and several other family/friends there to celebrate with us and Brad had a great time.

In case you can't tell, the theme was Cat in the Hat...

I am very thankful for all of the guests who joined us!

Here is the nail design I did last night for the party!

I wanted to match the birthday theme, but also be patriotic for the upcoming 4th of July. Mission accomplished!

In other news, we keep going back and forth on if we should move to Washington or New York. We love both for different reasons but I think in the end we are leaning towards western NY. Mostly because we know we would be able to find a historic Victorian house to grow old in. So I just booked our second trip there for the end of next month. We are going to focus our "research" more on the town of Lockport (which was our favorite) and maybe talk to some realtors about details. Hopefully we can squeeze in a few touristy things, and another trip to Canada!


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