Friday, May 11, 2012

Skydiving Pics!

 I got my picture CD in today!! Nick emailed me some so I could see them at work, then I got to check all of them out when I got home. There are almost 50 pics! He got some of before, during, and after the jump. Enjoy!

 My friend Stephanie and I had a great time and just might go again later on! It all felt like it was over in 5 minutes but I'm glad I have the pictures to look back on so it's not just a blur. Nick is happy that I landed safely and of course Brad was happy to have his momma back on the ground!

It was a very hot day that day--about 95 degrees--and you could really feel how the air is cooler at 10,000ft. As I was falling I could feel the air getting hotter. When the parachuted opened I thought the harness was going to rip thru my groin--ouch! But my instructor loosened it up a bit while we glided down. The landing was really no big deal. I was worried I would trip or break an ankle but he just had me raise my knees and he took the force of the initial touch down.

I'm so glad I got to experience this and hopefully sometime I'll have the chance to do it again!


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