Thursday, May 3, 2012

May Days!

It is May! For those here in Oklahoma it seemed like May a couple of months ago. I don't think the temp has hit 100  yet but we have gotten pretty close! I can only imagine how this summer will be--I'm sure very similar to last year :/

Here is a hairdo that I've rocked a couple of times with good results. I call it the "braid-band":
I found the idea on Pinterest and it was pretty easy to do. A thin braid on one side, tease the hair on top then secure the braid with bobby pins on the other side.

Here is the other handmade gift I thought up for a friend's bridal shower last Sunday. She really liked the personal touch I put on her presents!

And here is what I will be doing on Sunday!!!

I haven't decided if I'm going to shell out the money for their video/pictures but I will make sure Nick is armed with a camera so I get something! I can not wait! I am so excited. I have been wanting to do this for awhile--I just feel like it is one of those experiences that you have to have in your life. 45 seconds of freefall--woohoo!

This is one of the two weeks this month that I requested to work sucks being gone so much but the money will be good! Straight into the savings account it will go. We are planning on having outdoor family pictures made on Monday, so if I survive skydiving then I will post pictures! Wish me luck :)


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