Thursday, May 17, 2012

2 Ingredient DIET Cuppies!

 Cutting calories and trying to be healthy? I have the perfect treat for you! I found these on Pinterest (it was just a picture uploaded so there is no page to link) and made them tonight. The only ingredients:

12oz diet 7up
box strawberry cake mix
light cool whip (for frosting)

That's it! Mix the 7up and cake mix till smooth, then bake cupcakes according to box directions. After they cool, top with cool whip and eat!

The taste was great--you could still feel some fizziness from the pop! The texture was a bit doughy. It might have helped to bake a few minutes longer for mine. Otherwise they were a hit. I did the math and minus the cool whip they are only about 85 calories PER cupcake! WOW. I only put maybe 1-2tbs cool whip on each one so I'm sure the calories from that are minimal. How's that for a guilt-free summer treat!?

I have a couple more Pinterest recipes to try out so check back later this week for those.

I will end with a pic of a new blouse my mom bought for me on Mother's Day! We did some shopping together and this was her present to me. I love it! It has lace down the middle and ruffles in front, and it is a lovely vintagey floral print.

PS. Nick opened our pool today! Hopefully the water warms up quick so that we can start our summer fun!


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