Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Friends and Crafts

I didn't personally take any pictures of my friend's birthday party, but here is one that they took of us trying to get the kiddoes up on the gladiator game. Me and Brad are on the right!

Here is one of Brad in his room...he was being quiet in his room so I went to check on him and he had snagged one of Nick's extra keyboards and was playing with it.

I don't know if had mentioned the project I was working on, but it is a handmade Christmas advent calendar! It is all out of felt. I took features I liked from ideas on the internet and put them all together in my own design.

In the picture of the tree, it is not sewn down yet but I have since sewn it all together on the background. It was very labor intensive and took all of my patience, but it was worth it knowing that this will be hanging on our walls for many years to come!

The squares are going to be pockets and I'm going to make a plush felt Santa to move along in each pocket as we count down the days to Christmas. I'm sure I will end up putting chocolates or something in each pocket to eat as we count! If the boys can keep their hands off, that is.


1 comment:

  1. Don't you just LOVE imagining something and creating it into real life? It's beautiful & I know you'll treasure it for a long while! Definitely going to be something Bradley looks forward to (even without the chocolate!)


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