Tuesday, June 28, 2011

2 Year Milestones

Evidently, in the hustle and bustle of my little man's 2nd birthday I forgot to post his 2 year stats!! I mostly do this for my own documentation/scrapbooking, but it's also nice to see how one child develops compared to others. They are all so different!

^Feeding him blueberries to bribe him to stand still....didn't work.

at 2 years old you:

  • wear a size 5 shoe
  • wear 2T clothes
  • wear a size 4 diaper
  • still have 16 teeth
  • can drink from a straw and kind of from a cup
  • can say lots of new words including "baby, peepee, two, puppy, yummy, hot, cookie" and several others
  • can follow many 2-step commands
  • are very happy and easy-going
  • are very gentle with animals and babies--you pet them both
  • sleep 12-14 hours at night
  • take a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon
  • still eat a whole banana, cheerios, and chocolate milk every morning
  • haven't used your highchair in a few months--you sit at the table with us!
  • act shy when you first meet someone, then you warm up
  • still have never been sick! But you do have outdoor allergies
  • get a haircut every 2-3 months
  • love to swim and be outside
  • absolutely love blueberries, kiwi, grapes, and strawberries
  • say "mmm, nummy!" when you eat something you like
  • do well when we drop you off at your hourly daycare
That is all I can think of for now! Let's hope I can get this all scrapbooked before his 2 1/2 year post, HA!


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