Sunday, May 22, 2011

Flowers and Friends!

I hope everyone is having a great Saturday today and is not too disappointed that the world did not end as predicted. Those who are TRUE Christians will know that we can not know the day or the hour that this will happen!

I want to start off with pictures of my backyard flowers! I planted them about a month ago and they are doing wonderful. I stuck with my usual begonias and spike, added more dianthus (not pictured) and also decided to try out some celosia! It is the fushia-colored spikey flower.

If you recall, shortly after our NY trip all of the seedlings I had planted shriveled up and this time I bought an already growing tomato plant, then added tomato seeds in the same planter. So far they are all doing well! The big plant has a few blooms on it, and the seedlings are about 3-4 inches tall.

I was off today because we are going to the Italian Festival tomorrow. We decided to have a cookout and invite our favorite couple friends over! The weather was hot but nice and it went good for our first cookout of the year. My grilling skills were a bit rusty but it went well!

Rachel has a little girl named Jet that is turning one next month, and she is due with little girl Tinley in August! Since I have a touch of baby-fever setting in, I am fully prepared to help with baby needs (and monogrammed gifts)! Plus Brad loves playing with cute little blonde girls!

We all had a great time together just hanging out. I put Brad to bed around 9pm, and they stayed and talked with us until almost 11pm! Once Nick starts telling stories, it's hard to get him to stop, lol! It is so nice to finally find a down-to-earth couple that we both get along with, and they have a baby close to Brad's age! We are all looking forward to getting a waterside cabin together next month at the Illinois River!

Tomorrow we are getting up bright and early to drive 2 hours into SE Oklahoma to attend the Italian Festival again! We had a great time last year and this time Brad is going with us. Check back for pics!


1 comment:

  1. I see those delish tortilla roll-ups! Glad your friends and cookout went well. That big tomato plant looks very healthy. Hope you get some tasty sweet maters!


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