Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Maiden Voyage!

After 3 months of hardcore restoration work, Nick could finally take his '50 Chevy out for more than just a test drive around the block.

It doesn't have seatbelts yet, so I followed him with little boy in my car! He watched daddy drive in front of us the whole way.

We took the back roads until we are sure it is okay to take on the highway. It did great and he got all of the stares!

He stopped at his grandparent's house in the city to trim some hedges while Brad and I went to my mom's house to hang out. She had a girlfriend over and they both oo'ed and awed at Brad and his adorability! I fed him dinner and watched him chase the dogs around. Nick came back after a bit and we grabbed some yummy Chinese food for dinner. Then he went out and saw some friends in the city and we headed home after that!

Mom and I went to a fairly new bookstore in the city yesterday, and it was great! I picked up several books--all for under $5--and I can't wait to read them. Two of them are big movies, and one is about raising a toddler. Another is a present for my MIL. They also buy used books, so I need to go through my bookcase...

1 comment:

  1. Wished I had taken a pic tonite of his car parked in front of my house! What an awesome sight! Can't wait to see what color he decides to paint it...hmmm....I vote for PINK!!!!! Light pink, that is.


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