Thursday, January 13, 2011

Friends and Baby Talk

Sorry, still no pics yet! I have been a busy girl the last few days. Once I get done with the edging on my afghan, I will have pics of that for you! I am also currently working on a white/tan baby blanket for a new grandmother at work.

I have been picking up extra shifts at work now that their "budget crisis" is over. They reopened the 4th ICU because we are finally all full again. I am remembering how much I hate being gone from home, but my motivation is the reminder that this year is our year to save up money to move!

We had a great couple over last night for a home cooked meal. I made parmesan-crusted chicken breasts, fettuccine alfredo and garlic bread with cherry cheese danish for dessert! They brought red and white wines, but I couldn't find our corkscrew so we could only drink the white wine b/c it had a screw lid. It was yummy! Nick and I are going to find another bottle of it for our anniversary next Monday.

We sat down to eat around 5:30pm, then after dinner and dessert we all played In a Pickle in the living room. I got Brad up from his nap at 7pm, then we played a couple rounds of Catchphrase. That was pretty fun, but the boys wanted to quit after the girls won twice in a row! I fed Brad dinner and just watched him run around until he went to bed. We all sat around and laughed until they got tired and left around 10pm. I forgot how nice it was to have good couple friends!

Lately Nick and I have been amazed at how quickly Brad is growing. We just look at him and remember how this time last year he could barely crawl, and was just starting to eat solid food! Now he is a full-fledged toddler with emotions, desires, and a sense of humor! We truly are so blessed to have him in our life, not to mention that he is so well behaved compared to some other toddlers! Sure he throws the occasional tantrum but I think his temperment paired with our loving discipline has turned out pretty well!

The best part right now is when he runs to me and throws his arms up for me to hold him or pick him up. He is showing me that he wants me and loves me, and I couldn't ask for anything more! I love putting him to bed and how he snuggles his arms around my neck while nestling his head into his blanket. My heart melts!

We are also amazed that he will already be 2 in just a few months! Before we know it, it will be time to work on number two! HA! But don't worry, mine will be adequately spaced out so that I can focus my attention during his important milestone years without being one of those crazy frazzled moms dealing with multiple toddlers under foot.

On that note, I think the theory about "having them close together so they get along" is a load of crap, to be quite frank! Age has nothing to do with getting along with a sibling, personality is the main factor there, and there is nothing you can do about that! A young toddler who is still so dependent on their mother shouldn't be FORCED to take a backseat to a newborn. They still have so much learning and growing to do! I intend on giving Brad my full attention for his first few years. He didn't ask to be here, so he deserves the spotlight for awhile.


  1. Loved reading your blog, as always! Yes, it's hard to believe that his 2nd birthday will be here in a snap of the finger! Have a good nite at work!

  2. I love being a mother! It's so nice to see someone else that does too!

  3. Its so hard to believe that Brad is where Scott once was...not quite into tantrums to bad... but boy howdy the real terrible twos start shortly after two! You have a lot to look forward to! :) Good luck with baby #2 I'm excited to read all about your journey!!!



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