Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekend Pics

It has been a busy weekend here but it's Monday now and I go back to work tonight. Saturday I threw a surprise birthday party for my brother here, and all of the family was able to be here! It was so nice to have everyone back together again, and of course we had good food and cake to enjoy. He got some nice presents and stayed for several hours with us.

Yesterday Nick and his best friend Terry went out for lunch and man-shopping, then Terry hung out at our house the rest of the day until about midnight last night. He joined us for a few meals, and even bought a huge bag of firewood just so we could have a big roaring fire for the evening! I was able to crank out a couple more hats for my craft show Saturday too.

I have my Christmas cards all stuffed and addressed--all that is left is buying holiday stamps and mailing them out! That will get done today, and then I will be on track. 90% of presents are already bought and wrapped of course ;)

I leave you with a couple of pictures of my little man and some of the mischief he gets into on a day-to-day basis...



  1. hahaha kandy that is epic :D such a cute baby :P havent seen ya in a while so i thought ide stop in and say hay. love ya and miss ya


  2. Bradley is just so adorable! Love the toothpaste photo!


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