Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010 and a 1 1/2 Year Old!

Our Christmas was terrific! I hosted a Christmas Eve party/gift exchange AND Christmas dinner at my house this year for the entire family. The two-day extravaganza made it easier for those who were available on one day but not the other, and for other family we got to see them twice!

Christmas Eve

For this laid back party, my mom, stepdad, dad, brother Shane, SIL Sarah, and SIL Teri were there. My brother Eric got there later on after work.

Unfortunately we didn't get any snow, but at least it was chilly outside! I had a blazing fire going both days, and it was quite nice!

^My mom and stepdad

^My brother Shane, Nick, and his sister Sarah

^My dad and I

The food this night was mostly finger foods and sweets.

Mumsy played Christmas carols on the piano, and of course Brad wanted to help! I held him while we sang songs.

Christmas Day

On Christmas morning I got up early and went to my mom's for the traditional biscuits and sausage gravy breakfast. My brother Eric and his wife were also there. Then I went home and got the boys up so that we could open our presents! It was so sweet to watch Brad figure out how to rip the paper off, then play with his toys. He got a ton of new toys from family so he should keep busy!

Then I got to cooking for our dinner. I made honey-glazed ham, mashed country potatoes with brown gravy, yeast rolls, green bean casserole, creamy pumpkin pie, cheesy corny cornbread, whole cranberry sauce, and for the Italian dish I made spaghetti sauce with brachiole! Mom brought 2 types of dressing, and my MIL brought fruit salad.

For this dinner my dad, mom, stepdad, MIL, FIL, SIL, and neice were all there!


Now for today's special significance! My little angel boy is officially 1 1/2! If you recall from his 1 year post, I am doing his "milestone" posts and pictures every 6 months now. We have a lot to catch up on! I will try to remember everything.

1 1/2 Years Old

Weight: 28lbs
Height: 31 1/2 inches

at 1 1/2 years old you:
  • can walk and almost run with ease
  • give high-fives
  • have 16 teeth, including 4 molars
  • can't drink from straws yet, but can drink from hard-top sippy cups
  • say momma, daddy, thank you, yucky, uh oh, baby, and bubba
  • still wearing a size 4 diaper, but wear a size 5 at night
  • wear size 4 shoe, but they are getting tight
  • wearing all 18mo clothes, but the pants are all a bit too long
  • sleep 13-14hrs at night
  • usually take 2 two hour naps a day
  • know how to use a brush, spoon, q-tip, and napkin
  • are a great eater, but don't really like meat
  • use your paci at night but always end up throwing it on the floor
  • like to pet the kitties
  • recently started acting shy around strangers
  • don't really like to sit in the shopping cart
  • play well with other toddlers
  • started having tantrums a few months ago, but not very often
  • still have not been sick!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great Christmas! Your boy is growing so fast its so hard to believe he is Scotts age when we got him! You are lucky Brad hasn't been in daycare and exposed to all the sickies!


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