Tuesday, November 30, 2010

O Tannenbaum

"It's the hap-happiest time of the year!" Before I get to the tree pictures, I wanted to show the 3 couches that I helped my dad narrow his choices down to after an evening of shopping:

The first one is my favorite! After he picks a couch and chair combo, I am going to sew him coordinating valances for his two sets of patio doors in his house. Fun fun! I am also going to surprise him and take him a little tree with lights to have for Christmas. He needs a little festivity in there!

Today I napped after work, then when I got up it was go-go-go! We got lots done though, and I am happy about that. I got my oil changed finally (it had gone waaaay too long) and we didn't have to wait long at all for it. It was cute watching Brad run around the cars in the showroom. The salesmen all thought he was adorable, and Brad was eyeballing another baby about his age that was there too.

After that we headed to the store to pick up some new lights for outside since ours burned up, then we went to pick out our tree! There were several that were freshly cut, and the price was perfect! They were already bound up, so we just put it in my backseat and stuck it out of the window. After we got it home, Nick bounced off the old loose needles then got it set up in the tree stand inside. Brad "helped" me decorate it while daddy was outside putting the new lights up.

I put Brad down for a nap before I was done, then Nick helped me finish getting it set up and we moved the dining table around just so it wasn't cramped in there. I love the tree! It is probably 7ft tall and oh so lush!!

I filled it with water and put a nice tree skirt around it, then set up my other little tree in the downstairs guest bathroom. This is the tree we put all of our special ornaments on.

And these are a few of my favorite ones...

The best for last! I can't wait until Brad is older and we can tell him all of the little stories behind each one.

In other news, Nick has already gotten a response back on one of the jobs he applied for recently. It is doing contract work for HP. Of course it is still tentative--he is waiting on some emails and has to take some tests online. But we are keeping our fingers crossed! My college boy graduates in just 3 weeks, and I know God is in control of his future.

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