Sunday, November 21, 2010

Gentlemen, Start Your Ovens!

The cooking for Thanksgiving 2010 has officially begun! My big dinner is tomorrow, so I started today and got a few things knocked out already. It is a "Lazzaro" tradition to always have an Italian dish at Thanksgiving in addition to the usual fixings. So this year, mine is going to be homemade ravioli and sauce! I made my favorite filling--ricotta, spinach, and parmesan--then stuffed and sealed 48 ravioli. I froze a little over half of them for later on, and the rest will be used tomorrow. I wish I could have eaten one, but they have to be cooked first. I'm sure they will be to die for!

The dessert on the menu is a light and fluffy pumpkin pie. It isn't your typical thick baked pie. This is a recipe I made last year and it was so delish I vowed to make it every year. I also wanted something else and was going to make pumpkin spice cupcakes. But at the last minute, I ditched those and decided to try a new recipe for pumpkin gingerbread loaves. Everything was from scratch, and it made a huge batch of batter! It made two large loaves, and I had to bake them 30min longer than the recipe called for because the middle was still raw. Man did they smell good! After they cooled, I made cream cheese frosting and put a thin layer on top. I am taking the smaller one to work Tuesday night for my coworkers to enjoy.

The weather today was typical of November in Oklahoma--warm and windy. It probably got up to 75. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy weather like this, but in the SUMMER and not the end of November. Anywho, we went for a walk around the neighborhood, then let Brad run around in the leaves while it got dark. He thought it was a hoot when we would throw leaves on his head!

The rest of my menu for tomorrow includes sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, yeast rolls, TURKEY, whole cranberry sauce, and dressing. I will begin cooking early in the morning! I picked up my 17lb fresh turkey today and that sucker has to bake for about 5hr! Good thing my dinner isn't until 5pm! Lots of pics to follow ;)


  1. Your pics look fab! That loaf of bread looks huge and so high! Wonder how tasty it would be with coffee...hmmm...keep taking pics today as you continue your cooking spree. I'll be checking your blog for more pics of step by step stuff. Tell your photographer hi!

  2. That looks delicious!!! I LOVE the holidays all the yummy food, treats, decorations, and good cheer! We need to plan our Christmas girls night and gift exchange! MUAH!


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