Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Adventures at a Pumpkin Farm

I am proud to say that Nick is done with going to class! He still has an online one, but his finished his other classwork early and doesn't have to worry about going back anymore! I am just so proud of him and how far he has come over the years. I can't wait to see him graduate! To celebrate, I made him a nice steak for lunch today, then we went to the city tonight for a nice dinner together.

Since he got home early, I figured it would be the perfect time (and perfect weather today) to use up a "coupon" I got online at for a 2-for-1 admission to a pumpkin farm here in Norman including 2 pumpkins. I had to use it by Nov. 13, and they were supposed to be open everyday until dark. After some difficulty finding it, we finally saw a sign and managed to find the windy road that led to the "farm".

As we pulled up to what looked like an office, I noticed there wasn't anyone around--not a soul! No cars, no people, no animals...this farm was supposed to have hayrides, a petting zoo, etc. We looked and looked, still didn't see anyone there. I started getting upset because we only have a couple more days that could use this coupon, and I was bound and determined to get some pumpkins!

I parked and Nick walked up to the office, which turned out to not really be an office at all but some sort of display area for pumpkins and gourds. There was just a sign that said if you want to buy a pumpkin, put the money in the box. Yes there was a little metal box on a desk, and prices written on the pumpkins. That was it! There were cute displays of pumpkins all over, and haystacks and a play area with slides and such, just no one there to run everything! I told Nick, you know what? I don't care! We still took pictures, and had a fun time, and played on the slide, and took 2 pumpkins! I put my coupon in the box and we went on our merry way :)

I do feel disappointed that we weren't able to get the full experience that we were expecting, so I do plan to email the website to let them know about our situation. Otherwise Brad enjoyed climbing on the hay and playing with pumpkins!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, don't you hate when things are advertised incorrectly! Thats happened to us on occasion in the past. Oh well-it looks like you all had an enjoyable time and got some super cute pics! Brad is just sooo cute!


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