Thursday, September 16, 2010

Homemade Gifts and a Boat Ride

My friend Meredith's boy Scott just turned 2 last week. We were unable to attend the party due to my work schedule, but I wanted to come up with a neat idea for a handmade gift idea that a 2yo would like. I thought of a bean bag toss game! I know how Brad loves to put things in and out of boxes so I figured a bit older toddler would like to learn to throw things into a box!

I took a simple paper mache box and painted it black and red, then put his name on the top with scrapbooking stickers...

Then I took coordinating fabric and made eight little square bean bags (the back side is black/white zebra print). I know how babies love bright colors!

Then I took it just a step further and hand-embroidered numbers on each of the bags to help him learn to count as he grows. Brad loved it so much I had to pull it out of his hands just to wrap it! Now I'll have to make him one for Christmas...

This evening I had plans to go with my mom and my friend Sara out onto Meredith's boat with her and her husband. Meredith and Sara had just gotten off of work from their office jobs so they were both in "office" attire. Mother and I were a bit more casual and we all piled onto the boat and buzzed around the lake until dark.

We got to see a pretty sunset in the distance and enjoy the quiet waters. We even saw a deer in a cove drinking water from the bank! My picture was too blurry to make it out though.

I am glad to be back home, and hubby doesn't have to go to class tomorrow so we get to sleep in together (as late as Brad allows of course)! That hardly ever happens nowadays. And then I go back to work for the weekend. Yay me :)

1 comment:

  1. It was a great time! I love how to pics turned out! I can't wait for next time :) Enjoy your sleep-in Friday!


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