Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hubby Turns 29!

My darling husband Nick is now only one year away from being a thirty-something! I tease him, but age is just a number. Especially when it comes to him and I. Since we've known each other for almost 15 years and been together over 8 of those, we don't think of our age difference at all.

For this year's celebration, I secretly scheduled him to have a one hour Swedish deep tissue massage first. While he was gone at that, everyone showed up for his party and I had the house decorated and table full of food. Those who came were my brother Eric+Teri, my mom, my dad, and my friend Sara. Unfortunately none of Nick's family came to celebrate with us....heck they barely remembered to call to at least say they were "too busy" to come up. No card, no nothin. Humph. Well that's okay because MY family was there, and they are the ones that love him like their own son.

Anywho...after Nick returned from the massage, our friends and family were waiting and we all dug into the food and talked. Then I brought out his candlelit cake and we sang Happy Birthday to him. Then he opened presents. Brad was napping through all this so I went and woke him and fed him a bit. After that, my mom and dad came with us for the second part of Nick's celebrations--go carting! There is an indoor go cart track on the north side of OKC so we all carpooled there and mom watched Brad while the 3 of us buzzed around the track. It was bunches of fun, and I'm sure we will be returning in the future!

Now for looking back at Nick's birthday LAST year....



  1. Nice write up! I want Bradley to be tiny again.....

  2. I'm glad he had such a great time and all the family was there to celebrate (that ones that count) It's simply amazing to see how SMALL Bradley was a year ago...and how much he has grown. The age of us and our spouses is not what counts-it's how quickly our children grow right before us. That is the tell tale of time.



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