Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tons O' Pics From Lake Texoma

We just got home today from our 3 night stay at a lake house by Lake Texoma. We went with some of my family and we all had a great time! It was nice to just get away from the house for a bit and be able to sit around chatting and relaxing. The drive was only about 2 1/2 hours away. I have a lot of pictures posted, so enjoy looking!

^This is when we were passing over the lake to get to the Texas side.

^The living room.

^Big dining table where we ate all of our meals.

^Massive kitchen where we cooked all of our meals. Each night a different couple was in charge of the dinner, and we all pitched in for breakfasts.

^This was our bedroom. We moved the loveseat over and put Bradley's portable crib beside it. He did pretty well as far as sleeping, but was a very cranky baby most of the time we were gone!! I think he is just teething bad. He also has a little cough, and got a bit of a sunburn. And our bedroom was right next to the kitchen, so all of the early risers banging around in there woke us up bright and early around 6:30am every morning!!

^This is pretty much where we hung out the whole time! There were two grills, a smoker, and a chiminea (which we did not use of course because it was almost 100° every day).

^We arrived Sunday late afternoon, and my night to cook dinner was Sunday night. So I whipped up some bacon-wrapped stuffed chicken breasts with a baked potato and salad to go with it! It was just delicious.

^The house was only about 50ft from the waterfront, so we enjoyed walking down a trail and being able to sit and enjoy the sounds of the water and outdoor life.

^Mumsy reflecting....

^Little boy loved to chew on these coasters and carry them around in his mouth...whatever keeps him happy!!

On Monday, I arranged to rent a pontoon boat for a few hours in the afternoon down the road from our house at Big Mineral Marina. After the boat guy gave Nick a quick tutorial, we loaded up our floaties and ice chests and hit the lake! Little B even had his own life jacket!

^We spent most of the time anchored down and swimming in the water. In some places it was almost 50ft deep! The current was pretty strong so we tied the rafts to the boat so we didn't have to keep swimming back.

^The boat didn't go very fast, but we enjoyed just feeling the sunny breeze and working on our tans.

^Brad liked looking at the back of the boat and watching the waves.

^Nick doesn't like to swim in really deep water, so he was the "captain" of the boat. He really enjoyed it, and got to show Brad how to drive a boat.

^When we got back, I gave little B a bath in the sink. Isn't he cute?? Did I mention he was Mr. Crankypants the whole time? Hm.

Tuesday we didn't have anything planned, so we all went down to a rocky beach area and enjoyed just floating, swimming, and sitting in chairs soaking up the sun.

Monday night was mom's night for dinner, so she roasted two chickens all day in the crockpot and served steamed carrots/potatoes with it. Yum! Our last night there, Tuesday, was my brother Eric's night to cook. He grilled marinated chicken and steak while his wife Teri cooked bell peppers/onions, guacamole, and homemade salsa for fajitas!! Very good.

All in all, we had a good time but were happy to be home! We were running out of food and toilet paper so it was time! On our way back we detoured in Elmore City so that we could say HI to Nick's family and give his dad a Father's Day card. We made it home today before noon and little boy took an almost FOUR hour nap! He was a tired boy.

Since we were gone so long, I didn't have any baby food ready for him. So I put broccoli, mixed veggies, potato wedges, and fish sticks in the oven and roasted him up a bunch of food. I divided it into meal-size containers and froze most of it for later on. He is set for awhile! Nick gave him some of it all tonight for his dinner and said he loved it! Hopefully he moves on from this cranky spell. Part of it must be teething because I think he is finally cutting his 9th tooth on the top left side. We'll see!

Hubby's first Father's Day is Sunday so check back for the yummy dinner I am going to make him and my dad!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like one relaxing vacation! I'm so glad you all had a great time! I can't wait to see how you scrap them!


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