Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Brad's First Zoo Trip

Today we loaded up for an afternoon at the Oklahoma City Zoo with my friend Erin and her 6 month old baby Mason. Another friend and her baby were supposed to come but had to cancel at the last minute. So it was just us and our boys! We broke out the strollers, sunscreen, and bottled water for a few hours in the 90° weather.

First we checked out the new Children's Zoo and got to "pet" some animals there.

^This is my friend's baby Mason

After that, we just kind of ambled around looking for things that were interesting. We had to take a few breaks here and there to feed us, feed the babies, and cool off.

^Nick insisted that I get Brad one of those plastic molded animals, so I got him a giraffe out of this one.

We had a pretty good time there, but we only saw the left half of the park. It's a very big park and it was a VERY hot day, so we are going to save the rest for another time! When I got home, we jumped in the pool and cooled off :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't see the pictures cause I'm at work, but I did see the ones you put on FB! I hope you two had fun & kept cool!

    Did little B get a baby tan?!?


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