Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blessed Sunday

I ♥ days like this! Slept for a bit today after working last night, and got up early to get ready for a cookout we were hosting for some family. We recently got a new grill and have been dying to break it in! We didn't have any cookouts last year b/c our grill sucked, and I was ginormous pregnant. So it has been long overdue. While I was sleeping, hubby went and got lighter fluid, put the grill together, and chopped up onions, tomatoes, and lettuce and arranged them on a relish tray! Isn't he the sweetest? When I got up he was sure to show me all the things he had done.

Before it was time to get the fire lit, we were playing with Bradley in the breakfast room listening to the music channel when out of the blue the weather alert flashed and said there was a tornado warning in some counties. As far as we knew, it was sunny outside! So we turned it to the weather channel and saw that there was a small storm cell NW of us moving SE. They said there was a lot of rotations in it and big hail. We thought well great! Just our luck. It's been beautiful all day and as soon as we want to cookout here come the storms. But I said who cares?? Let's cookout anyway and deal with whatever comes! As it progressed closer, we saw it was going to be just north of us in Norman and we probably wouldn't get anything anyways.

Long story short, I lit the coals around 4pm and grilled us some chicken to put away first. While that was cooking, my brother and his wife showed up with chips and pop, then my mom and stepdad showed up with brownies, pasta salad, and baked beans. The burgers and hotdogs turned out just delicious and we all had a great time sitting out on the patio chatting. As the storms got closer, the weather cooled way down but we didn't get any rain until after we were done eating.

The timing worked out perfect because we put Bradley down for a nap just as we started cooking so he slept the entire time! He woke up after everone ate so I brought him out and let him crawl around and see his family. After everyone left, he sat in his highchair in the kitchen with me and ate homemade roasted potatoes, carrots, and chicken while I cleaned up the dishes. He had fresh strawberries for dessert, then I put him in his stroller and walked him down the road to the park. He loves to swing so we did that for awhile and watched the storms in the distance.

When we got home, Nick played with him outside while I picked up dead branches from the driveway. Then I put him to bed, and am getting ready to hang out in the craft room with Nick before we call it a night. Ahhhhh, that's my kind of day!

1 comment:

  1. Never fear when Tornado's are near! We just go outside and look for them LOL! Glad to hear the cook out was great!


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